The Craic Was Mighty

The Music Was Mighty. . .

Somewhere in the mist of time, music had drawn me into it’s inescapable web. Back then it was all about the craic. I never had a book or watched a video on how to play an instrument, it never occurred to me to take that route. Looking back it was a tough education but I wouldn’t swap it. I was all about learning on the hoof, the natural feel and memory. I wasn’t listening for details or complexities, I was in it for the adventure and the bliss that music delivered to my heart. Nowadays I try to conjure and deliver that same bliss to the heart of the listener. I’m constantly learning new complexities while trying to make it appear like a carefree exercise. Musically there’s always a new aspect to delve into, it’s never ending, psychological education. Once the bug hits there’s no escape. That’s why musicians don’t set retirement dates.

L to R: Barney McKenna, John Sheehan, Gerry Tully, Declan Flynn, Billy Condon, and Eamonn Campbell.